Day 5

The first thing we did today was g to LosQuinchos, which is a school for children who work on the streets.  We got to talk with one of the teachers there and ask him questions about the school.  He talked about the history of the school and what it means to the children who go there.  He was really passionate about his work and about the kids at the school.  He sang us a song that the school had been practicing for their 30th anniversary.  It was in Spanish so we couldn´t understand the words, but he sang it with so much emotion and pride that we almost didn´t need to know what it meant to understand the feeling behind it.  After he talked to us the bell rang for the kids to have a break, so he said we could go out and play with them.  It was so much fun being outside and playing games with them.  They were so happy all the time and they wanted to talk to us.  As we were waiting for the bus to leave, we took a few pictures, and every time we would start to take one with a couple kids, they would all swarm and try to get in the picture.  Being at the school was an amazing experience.
We then made our way to Barrio Grenada to start work in the Annexo.  We were working on multiple projects today, taking apart houses, painting murals, working at the library and digging trenches.  I started working on taking apart a house, but we quickly finished that, so I went to dig some trenches.  We had pick axes and shovels, someone would jump in the trench and break up the ground with the pick axe, and the other person would shovel out the loose dirt.  Digging was moving more quickly than I thought it would.  There were many people from the Barrio helping, which made the job even quicker.  We took a break for lunch and went back to the community house.  After we ate lunch, people brought out their instruments and we sang song for a while.  After lunch we went back and worked on the projects for a bit longer.  We took a watermelon break and then we left.  We got on the bus filthy.  Digging trenched pretty much covers you in dirt from head to toe.  We went to a pool to g swimming, it was a nice way to end the day, cooling off an d just having some fun, before we went back to our host families.
-Blogged by Jamie-

The song sung by the Principal of LosQuinchos


We Are the Children
(the words to his song in English)

We are the children that beg in the streets
And we want to sing this song
We want to say that we love you
And that we should share with you our love.

Christ said that children are from God
That we ought to be like them
Loving and sincere, without malice, always good
God bless all these children today.

We are the children, YES!

That work
Where is that love that we need so much?
We are the street children that suffer cold and hunger
That work until the sun goes down.

In any neighborhood, YES!
In the market, many times mistreated,
Many times humiliated.
We are the street children that suffer cold and hunger
That work until the sun goes down.

30 years have passed since that day
And some children have already grown
Today they are young people and they struggle, students
And they always listen to that child that used to exist.

Where we are, we are Quinchos with pride. Yes
Here we learn the value of our lives
María Eugenia, the Gospel, Jesus Christ and his Mystery
That impel us to transform this world.

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This morning we went to LosQuinchos which is a school for kids who make a living on the streets. We were able to talk with the principal who gave us a detailed history of the school and he seemed to thoroughly enjoy his job. After he was done talking we had an opportunity to go and play with the children who attended the school. It was an awesome experience to interact with the kids and I had tons of fun playing volleyball with the kids.
After the school we went to the Barrio Grenada, an extremely poor neighborhood in Managua, to work. I was involved in tearing down a house as we needed the space so we could construct a new house for the family. It was very difficult work because it was so hot and the materials were very heavy. However, I really enjoyed the challenge. After we had successfully taken down the house, our group went to swim before we finally went back to our host families for dinner. Overall, I had a very enjoyable day!

-Blogged by Lucas-